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Become a Premier Sperm Donor in Santa Monica today!

Earn up to $1,650 per month

Why should you choose to become a Premier Sperm Donor?

Our mission from the very start has been to focus on you, the sperm donor. We have two goals: to give you the highest compensation of all the sperm banks worldwide, and to provide the most thorough health screenings and advanced sperm analysis possible, including DNA fragmentation.

Donor Qualifications

  • 18-39 years old
  • Good personal and family health
  • Be at least 5’6”
  • Live/work/go to school within a reasonable
    distance of Santa Monica
  • Able to work in the US

I want to apply!

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Benefits of becoming a Premier Sperm Donor

  • Free health screenings
  • Compensation for your time
  • Helping those in need

Earn up to $1,650 per month

We are proud to have the highest compensation for sperm donors in Los Angeles.

How to become a Premier Sperm Donor

Your first step towards becoming a sperm donor is to fill out our online sperm donor application.

Next up is to have your sperm quality tested. You make the sample at our location.

We will then invite you in for a physical exam and blood work.

If you fulfill all requirements and your sperm quality is high, you can become a sperm donor.

Apply Now!

Take the first steps in becoming a Premier Sperm Donor

Frequently Asked Questions

Sperm donors must meet strict eligibility requirements including being between the ages of 18-39 years old, have a good physiological and psychological history, pass a genetic disease test, pass blood and urine tests (for STDs, HIV, and infectious diseases) and meet certain quality standards for sperm count, motility, and volume parameters. 

The Premier Sperm Donors organization wants you to know how much we appreciate the time and effort you are spending to become a donor. Therefore, we pay $150 per accepted donation plus offer a bonus of $150 when a 10-donation batch is achieved. Specifically, you will get paid $60 the day of the donation, $60 the next business day (with an approved sample) and $30 will go into your PSD bank for the quarantine period of six months. This compensation will help offset your expenses and show how much we appreciate you. If you donate around three times a week (10x a month) you could make $1,200 and when you close a batch of ten approved samples, you’ll add $150 of batch close bonus pay. At the end of six months, you will get the $300 banked money, once you complete a blood draw. So, you could be making up to $1,650 per month over time.

The process involves an application with a detailed medical history, genetic screening, sexually transmitted disease (STD) screening, semen analysis, counseling about the legal and ethical implications of your donation, and signing legal agreements. Accepted donors then make regular deposits (1-3 times per week) at our sperm donation facility in Santa Monica.

Donation frequency varies, but we require a commitment of at least one donation per week. Yes, it is true that some donors can give every day but that is uncommon. We want to ensure our donors can reach goals and achieve bonus pay in a timely manner. A closed batch equals ten approved donations.

Premier Sperm Donors Santa Monica only accepts identity disclosure donors. Today it is very difficult for donors to be anonymous without great effort. An identity disclosure donation allows offspring to obtain the donor’s identity when they reach the age of 18. However, donors are always allowed to decline an invitation to meet or connect with their donor conceived children. Intended parents are not allowed to contact donors ever. With genetic testing, reverse photo lookups, and future inventions it is possible that anyone could be able to figure out your identity. Know that you always have the right to refuse contact and contact us immediately if the parents reach out to you. They have signed a contract with us agreeing not to do so.

All Premier Sperm Donors relinquish parental rights and responsibilities through our legal contracts. You will never assume any financial responsibility for offspring conceived through your donations.

Donors undergo testing for infectious diseases like HIV, hepatitis, syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia. A complete medical history screening with a nurse for physical health, mental health with a counselor, genetic screening, and a sperm quality analysis are also required.

The initial application and screening processes can take a few weeks. Once accepted, regular donations are scheduled around your availability, usually about 1-2 hours per week if you can give three times. Once per week would be around 30 minutes or less.

There are varying time frames depending on each donor’s ability. Some do it for a few months others give for 2 years. There is an age cutoff at 40 years of age and a maximum number of vials so that we limit potential offspring from any single donor to approximately 25 families. The caveat here is that people do not always report, so it can be difficult to have perfect data.

Yes, all donor information is kept strictly confidential from everyone. Our staff members follow strict Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) protocols and all Personal Health Information (PHI) privacy regulations for medical records and any other health or personal information held by us.

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us by phone and email. We are always happy to answer any question you may have about this process.

Thank you in advance for considering Premier Sperm Donors, Santa Monica.