How do LGBTQ+ couples use my sperm?

People from all backgrounds and family compositions may require a sperm donor. People searching for a sperm donor can be single parents or heterosexual couples experiencing infertility. A sperm donor can be the missing link in someone’s future family.

In addition, a significant number of intended parents in need of a sperm donor are LGBTQ+. Often, lesbian couples who want to have children will seek out a sperm donor to perform an insemination and become pregnant. The two most common types of insemination with donor sperm are IUI (intrauterine insemination) or ICI (intracervical insemination).

IUI procedures are performed under the guidance of a medical practitioner, most commonly a physician or nurse practitioner, but sometimes with a midwife or doula. IUI involves taking a sperm vial and injecting the sperm cells directly into the uterus via a catheter. Some intended parents prefer this method because it is performed with a medical professional and the success rates tend to be higher.

An ICI procedure is also common for couples hoping to conceive. ICI can be performed at home, a medical practitioner is not required for this type of insemination. Sperm from the vial is inserted directly into the vaginal canal, near the cervix. This type of insemination is popular with many intended parents, especially those who do not have any known infertility issues. Many couples choose ICI because it feels more intimate and can be performed in the privacy of one’s home.

Regardless of the insemination method performed, if you choose to donate sperm at PSD, you can be proud that your samples are helping people of all backgrounds create families!

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